Why Wink Hosted Checkout

Wink-hosted checkout brings together both Wink Login and Wink Payments into a fully packaged checkout solution for merchants

  • Merchants can take advantage of both a guest checkout as well as a fast single-click checkout experience for customers who have created a Wink account using Wink Login
  • Wink-hosted checkout is available as a plug-in for e-commerce platforms such as Magento / Adobe Commerce so that merchants can install and take advantage of the solution without requiring any engineering development or integration effort
  • All the benefits of Wink Login and Wink Payments described above are also available together in the Wink-hosted checkout solution
  • In addition to offering user authentication and payment processing, Wink checkout also provides several additional features through integration with the e-commerce platform
    • Shipping Rates calculation and selection of different shipping methods
    • Shipping and Billing address autofill
    • Tax calculation
    • Discounts, coupons and gift cards
    • Order creation in the Order Management system following the successful processing of the user payment
    • SMS and email order confirmation to the user
    • PayPal as payment method
    • Merchant configuration which applies themes for button colour, font, and background-colour
      • Below are the configurations that merchants can do.
        • Logo
        • Font
        • ColourButton Color
        • Button Text Color
        • Background Color
        • Custom HTML content for login
        • Google Map Auto Fill Address
        • Enable Gender
        • Enable DOB
        • Enable PO BOX Validation
        • Enable Send Email
        • Enable Send SMS
        • Min Purchase Amount
        • Max Transaction limit
        • Differential Charge for Credit/Debit Card
        • Merchant Email Template
      • Differential charging for the selected card
        • Merchants can configure either a Surcharge for a credit card OR a Discount for a debit card.
        • Discount or Surcharge should be either in Percentage(i.e. 1-100%) or in an amount(i..e. 1-100$)
        • A surcharge or Discount will be applied based on the user card type(i.e. Credit, Debit ) and the differential charge configuration.
      • Zero-dollar support for the payment
      • Email template support for the merchant for sending emails
        • A default email is the same for all the merchants, if the merchant doesn’t want to create their template, Then the default email template body will be used to send an email.
      • Merchant Email Template
        • A merchant can view the default email template body and modify it. It will create a new template for the particular merchant. When an email is sent at that time it will use the merchant-level email template body if it exists, otherwise, use the default email template body.
      • Email will only be sent if it is configured at the merchant level

        Wink Checkout User Experience

        The following pages will take you through the user experience of Wink-hosted checkout

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