Configuring Wink Credentials to the Plug-in


Before using the Wink Plug-in you must request your Wink credentials. If not already done, you can request them here

Once you receive the credentials from Wink, they will be initially for a Sandbox account allowing you to test the Wink product and services on your website before going live. These credentials will include a ClientID and a secret key.

To configure these credentials in your Wink checkout plug-in, please access the Wink Plug-in Configuration Option in your Admin Panel and do the following:


Login Magento admin panel.

Go to left navigation then select Stores -> Settings -> Configuration -> Sales -> Payment Methods

Payment method form field descriptions:

Enabled: This field will enable payment method for checkout and value can be Yes or No.
Title: Title field will contain the payment method title defined by the user.
Payment Mode: This field will hold the one of the values Sandbox or Live.
Payment from Applicable Countries: With this field we can restrict or allow for a specific country to receive the payment.
Sort Order: This field sets the display order of the payment method on the checkout page.
Checkout Mode: This field provides three checkout mode optionsโ€” Redirect, Embedded, Overlay
Client id: Client id will be received from Wink confirmation email after onboarding process.
Api Key: Api key will be received from Wink confirmation email after onboarding process.
Webhook Secret: Webhook Secret will be received from Wink confirmation email after onboarding process.
SDK Version: This field will have v0.4
Integration Token: Integration Token can be retrieved from Magento admin integration token. Token expiry should be infinite.

Whatโ€™s Next

Follow the next step for using Wink Checkout instead of the default Magento Checkout