Account Setup and Configuration

Before you integrate Wink must setup your account in our system.


If you haven't already received your credentials, you can request them from here

Once your account is setup you will receive a Merchant Key.

In order to route the payment transactions from your website or application, you can provide the credentials given to you by your payment processor ( example Stripe or Braintree or Chase Paymentech ) to your Wink Account Representative. These credential must be configured in your account for Wink to send the payments to your existing merchant account at your favorite processor.

List of supported processors

You can download a list of the processors and payment providers we support here

Test Card Data

This table can be used when creating cards and transactions for testing purposes with our sandbox.

Card TypeGood CardDeclined/Failed Card
MasterCard (2-series bin)22230031220032222720992720992729
American Express378282246310005371449635398431
Diners Club3056930902590430207712915383

What’s Next

Once your account is setup you are ready to proceed with integration